The Living Material Future
We are living in a pivotal time of the bio-digital era. The confluence of computational design, additive manufacturing, material engineering and synthetic biology is enabling us to create new generations of materials (Oxman, 2015). A shift in the cultural mindset towards more sustainable development has become apparent over recent years. Many businesses are moving boldly toward innovations in sustainable material practices and investing heavily in new, high-performance materials.
[1] Neri Oxman and The Mediated Matter Group at MIT are developing Hybrid Living Materials. By combining living and non-living materials through the use of 3D printing and synthetic biology, they are creating new categories of materials. Inspired by ancient death masks, Vespers III, Mask 4 shown here contains engineered pigment producing bacteria that are encapsulated in the mask and respond to the environment by releasing colour when the wearer releases their last breath.
One way our material future is being explored is through the utilization of the unique functions of microorganisms. Microorganisms are an invisible but crucial part of our history, our present and our future. The molecular evolutionary theory of LUCA suggests all living beings on Earth can be traced back on the tree of life to one or a group of single celled organisms referred to as our Last Universal Common Ancestor (Rutherford, 2013). Microorganisms are a classification of single celled organisms lacking a nucleus. They are found everywhere on this planet from the peaks of mountains to the deepest acidic trenches of the ocean. They ferment your food, oxidize your air; they are on you and inside you. The mutualistic relationship between humans and microorganisms is so intertwined that there are approximately ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells in the human body (Microbiology Society, 2020).
An emerging field of design is looking to the world of microbiology for inspiration - a new way of creating with living systems. Bacterial biotechnological applications, that have long been utilized in pharmaceuticals, are now are evolving across many industries including fashion and apparel. They aim is alleviate our dependence on petroleum-based materials and processing while producing technically advanced products. Cells are like minute manufactories. They have evolved over billions of years to have highly specialized functions (Rutherford, 2013). By designing with living systems, we can apply the technologies that nature has perfected and adapt them to the needs of today.
[2] An automatic pipetting machine. Bacterial biotechnological applications, that have long been utilized in pharmaceuticals, are now are evolving across many industries including fashion and apparel.
The metabolic activities of bacteria are being employed in material synthesis such as bacterial cellulose and mineral composites, in processing (for example pigment dyes), and waste treatments like breaking down plastics. The simplicity of bacteria’s genetic structures makes them easily modified with the technologies of synthetic biology. In this way, we are able to control what these organisms are creating, and when they are active (Mediated Matter, 2019). When it comes to materials, especially high-performance materials, opinion has often been that natural, more sustainable choices frequently mean a loss of performance and function. Resilience and durability are often at odds with biodegradability by design. But scientific researchers and designers are creating new categories which blur these lines, combining the living with the non-living and synthesizing life that does not exist naturally. Neither natural nor synthetic, these materials challenge traditional categorizations and perhaps make these terminologies obsolete.
[3] On the left is an TEM image of the nanostructure of naturally occurring nacre (mother of pearl). On the right is a bacterially derived biocomposite grown to mimic nacre as a material. The calcite platelet ‘bricks’ are created by the bacteria S. pasteurii and biopolymer ‘mortar’ by B. licheniformis imitating the same nanostructure of natural nacre.
While the possibilities are exciting, it is important to consider the ethical implications of these proposals.
Science is fundamentally based in curiosity and wonder but entering the scientific sphere can feel unnerving and inaccessible. Inclusivity in STEM has long been an issue and the visibility of certain genders, ethnicities and identities is minimal throughout history (Medin and Lee, 2012). Biological technologies like synthetic biology and genetic engineering can have vast ethical implications for humanity. As a population, how can we participate in the discussion of regulation if we do not understand the potential outcomes and true capabilities of these technologies? When only one type of group is visible in the decision making, how can the needs of the diverse population be accounted for?
[4] Google search for Founders of Microbiology highlights the glaring similarities between the people dubbed as authorities in science. This does not mean others weren’t participating but the institutionalization of the field created gatekeepers of knowledge and a dismissal of indigenous and amateur science. This had lead to racist and sexist practices in many fields, like medicine, that have had huge effects on society.
Increasing the scientific literacy of the general populace is also important because we fear what we do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation regarding microorganisms outside the scientific community, especially operating in the climate of world health issues like COVID-19. However, as we learn, we are beginning to challenge the narrow perception of these organisms as just potential agents of disease. With increased engagement between designers and scientists, the gap between the laboratory and the public can be bridged and the excitement around science shared. In this vein, the world of DIYbio is thriving. Costs of laboratory tools were once a barrier to entry into exploring science, but with the current boom of makerspaces, equipment hacking and open source hardware, it is now easier than ever to participate in STEM (Wikipedia, 2020).
[5] The many hands of a Biodesigner.
My interest in working with and learning from bacteria in design has grown during my time on Material Futures. For my final year I had planned to spend a great deal of time in the laboratory, working on developing a bacterial composite material that mimics mother of pearl. But when the global pandemic drove us into individual, isolated worlds, I looked to the maker and DIYbio community for guidance in how to continue my work from home. I was no longer able to move from the Central Saint Martins’ Grow Lab to the 3D workshops, to the library, all before lunch. I started to explore what it meant to be designing with life systems in an environment not meant for that purpose. The amount of materials I had access to was finite and so I became very resourceful. I was no longer able to access organisms from the laboratories of my expert advisors, but fortunately bacteria are everywhere. In addition to hacking found objects such as coolers for electronic incubators and a mini-fridge for microfluidic systems and a bioreactor, I was able to look to my back garden for a rich resource of microorganisms. Breaking away from the intimidating rigorous science done in institutions and playing in the dirt was a great exercise for me to loosen up and bring back the curiosity involved in my love of biology. An underlying theme has become apparent through my work on Material Futures - challenging how we value our connection to other species. By showing people the unique functions of microbes, I hope to create a greater sense of the importance of an invisible biome.
The 4th industrial revolution is upon us. The conjunction of biology and technology brings the promise of better materials, better healthcare and better architecture. New technologies, however, no matter how well intended, have a history of unintended consequences.
How can we do our best to consider the ethical impacts on our future? By being engaged, being knowledgeable, and being curious.
[1] The Mediated Matter Group (2019) Hybrid Living Materials. Available at: (Accessed: May 31 2020).
[2] National Cancer Institute (2020) Automatic pipetting machine. Available at (Accessed: May 1 2021)
[3] Image 1: Cristales Exhibition (2020) Nacre nanostructure through SEM Available at: (Accessed: March 10, 2020). Image 2: Sarah Graham (2020) Bacterial Nacre Material under 500x magnification.
[4] Google Images (2021) Founders of Microbiology screenshot.
[5] Sarah Graham (2020) The many hands of a Biodesigner GIF.
Written by Sarah Graham